George Segal's "Abraham and Issac" statue in the permenant collection of the Jewish Museum. This is what one sees as entering the room where it is exhibited.
This and all of the rest of these images are what I saw as I viewed this statue.
Abraham, no emotion, no anger, no compassion, just doing what G-d had requested.
Is Abraham now in the process of thrusting the knife into Isaac ... or standing there considering his action?
Abraham looking down at Isaac sternly ... with the thought of G-d watching his moments at the time.
G-d highlighting the action Abraham is about to take of sacrificing his son
Isaac, without fear and almost in a euphoric state, waiting for the knife to be blunged ito his chest.
While the characters in this story are G-d, Abraham, and Isaac, the knife is also a characgter in its own right.
The knife, edge sharpened, already moving to its target.
Abraham loking down in sadness
There seems to be no fear in Isaac's face, only acceptance ... and possibly euphoria. In some ways this looks almost like the moment of orgasm.
Jewish Museum
Jewish Museum
While Abraham appears calm, the digging of his fingernails into his leg demonstrates his angush in the act he is about to commit.
While Abraham may be anguished, the main action is still the knife and its purpose.
Jewish Museum
While Isaac's hands are bound, he still makes no effort to protect himself from the thrust of the knife. His faith is strong enought to do what G-d wants unquestioningly.
Jewish Museum
While this act was witnessed by only Abraham, Isaac, and God, it has been so illminated that most of the earth's population is aware of this act of faith.
Jewish Museum
Jewish Museum
Jewish Museum
Jewish Museum
While Abraham holds the knife low, Isaac has offered his neck to the knife.
Jewish Museum
Jewish Museum
Jewish Museum